for periods of rapid change
As an Organisation Design and Change Consultancy we help you review your organisation's health to see what is needed to create a workforce that is responsive to change, engaged, productive and fit for the future. We work with you to align people processes, programmes, structure and culture to your strategy.
As organisations work to implement their strategy there will be times when it makes sense to take stock and review how you are set up for the future.
The trigger for this review may be due to rapid change in the business environment, the Corona crisis, changes in regulation or Brexit transition.
Alternatively, it may come from a change in direction, a merger, moving into a new region or a need to cut costs. By planning now you set your organisation up for the future.
With the Corona crisis at the forefront of our thoughts, now is the time to plan how to rebuild and reshape your workforce.
Kandula Restructuring Guide
Our restructuring guide provides a step-by-step approach to re-focus your business for a sustainable future.
We'd love to hear if you find this guide useful in reshaping the future of your organisation.
Consulting Services
We help organisations through periods of rapid change to create a workforce that is responsive, productive and fit for the future.
Your people are one of the largest investments you make in your business, so it’s right to consider the ecosystem needed to set up an engaged and productive workforce to gain maximum ROI.
We review the way your organisation is set up to align people, structure, processes and culture to strategy; highlighting areas of change that give greatest return
Supporting leaders of small and medium-sized organisations plan for, and operate effectively, through times of crisis, change and growth.
Organisational Health Check
Is your organisation focusing on the best way to create a productive, flexible and connected workforce that’s aligned to your goals?
Our Health Check identifies areas where the answer is yes, and others where the answer is not yet.
Design & Implement People Programmes
Changing business environments and delivering on your strategy is likely to mean that the way your people are set up to achieve will need to change.
We help with the design and implementation of these programmes.
Facilitate Directional Alignment
Your strategy may be clear but how well are your people engaged, motivated and aligned to it?
We facilitate an approach to define your goals, purpose and values and create programmes that will embed them in the organisation.
Design Structures for Success
Whether you’re looking to grow your business or want to make it more efficient, we help you make the right decisions about the way you are structured and the work is done.
Create Meaningful Connections
For your people to be effective, engaged and committed to your organisation there has to be a meaningful connection.
We facilitate the design and implementation of these programmes.
Cement the Foundations
Every organisation has policies and processes that have developed over time. In addition you will have created a working environment and ways of working.
We align the processes, policies and ways of working with your strategy and culture.
Many organisations in the UK and elsewhere, are struggling to create the best ways of working for people to thrive.
This causes disenfranchised employees, excessive sick days, low retention rates and underpreformance.
cost of poor culture
Poor company culture is costing the UK economy £23.6 billion per year
– Breathe HR
Fake sick days
51.9 million fake sick days were taken in 2019, costing British industry £5.6bn
– Viking Office Supplies research
failed expectations
Only 13% of employees agree that their employee experience fully meets their expectations
– Gartner Modern Employee Experience Workforce Survey 2019
The good news is that solving this people performance puzzle and improving your organisation’s health reaps significant rewards for both the employees and the organisation.
Let’s look at more numbers.
Greater profits
Highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability
– Gallup Q12 meta-analysis 2016
Greater return to shareholders
Focus on organisational health and performance leads to greater profitability
– McKinsey Organisational Health Index
Pro flexible working
64% of global business leaders said flexible working has positive impact on productivity
– Condeco 2018
Kandula use the People Performance Model to steer the creation of people solutions. It brings together all aspects of an organisation’s ecosystem that need to align for success:
- Directional Alignment
- Meaningful Connections
- Solid Foundations
- Valued Work
Aligning these four components and focussing on the elements that need adjusting, increases the robustness of an organisation so it’s Fit for Future.
Directional Alignment
How are employees aligned to your strategy, goals and purpose?
Solid Foundations
Do policies, processes and systems support employees to deliver?
Meaningful Connections
How does the organisation support people to connect and thrive?
Valued Work
Are employees set up to do their work in the best way, with suitable reward and career pathways?
Kandula Consulting was setup to help organisations thrive through their people.
It was established by Cath Wallace in Australia in 2005.
In 2015, Cath returned to the UK from Australia and has worked on a number of large scale people programmes with organisations that have looked to deliver on their strategy, operate more effectively and introduce ways of working that create engaged and productive teams.
With over 25 years’ experience working with small and large organisations, across a multitude of industries and addressing many different challenges, Cath’s focus is always on ways to enhance the employee experience and create the people ecosystem that will deliver the greatest results.
“My contribution is to translate business challenges into practical people solutions. From this I guide, facilitate and implement solutions in collaboration with the business to move your business closer to your goals.”
Kandula has been involved in many projects, across many different industries,
and in various different countries.
Projects typically involve one or more aspects of the
Kandula People Performance Model.
Let’s look at a few case studies.
Case study 1:
Restructure of the business
Client: Medium-sized retail business with around 500 employees
Sponsor: HR Director
Objective: To facilitate the leaders to design a new structure for the organisation and guide the HR team through implementation.
Solution: Developed a step by step programme for a united approach to the design of the new structure and each stage of the implementation, including the development of tools and templates for use by the client.
Our People Performance Model: Valued Work, Solid Foundations
Outcome: A well thought out programme that moved the business from siloed functions to a more cohesive and flexible structure and achieved the cost challenge. Increased the knowledge and skill of the HR team to manage a restructure that involved redundancies and consultation.
Case study 2:
Team alignment to vision and values
Client: Small Business with around 20 employees
Sponsor: Business Owner
Objective: To engage the team in creating the vision, values and approach required for the business to have ongoing success.
Solution: A series of meetings with the Business Partners to develop their thinking about the vision, values and strategy. Workshops with the team to engage them and gather their input.
Our People Performance Model: Directional Alignment, Meaningful Connections
Outcome: Feedback was that we brought “a unique style and innovative process to the engagement culminating in a unanimous buy in from the whole team for our new vision, values and goals. It was both fun and tremendous value for money.”
An important part of engaging with our clients is to ask them for feedback.
“Cath is business savvy, bringing effective strategic and operational solutions to the table.
She puts in place solid plans, working with executive teams to ensure all levels of their organisation can move forward at a required pace.
I highly recommend working with Cath to help you achieve your business needs.”
“Cath is a real pleasure to work with.
She is a solid operator, and provided practical and immediately implementable solutions that reflected exactly where our business was at.
She took the time to understand and appreciate the broader context in which we were operating.”
“Cath is a detail oriented professional who has incredible knowledge and insight in relation to business strategy, organisational design and change management.
Her ability to engage with stakeholders whether they are direct or indirect, has enabled successful implementation of organisational change.”
“When I worked with Cath one of her greatest strengths was group facilitation and team development.
She is a very gentle person, and not pushy, but has an amazing way at getting to the heart of the issue and bringing out the best in everyone – especially identifying skills and talents that people were not really aware of.”
Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
Contact us for your free consultation about creating people solutions to rebuild and reshape your business during and after the Coronavirus lockdown.