Kandula has been involved in many projects, across many different industries,
and in various different countries.

Projects typically involve one or more aspects of the
Kandula People Performance Model.

Let’s look at a few case studies.

Case study 1:

Restructure of the business

Client: Medium-sized retail business with around 500 employees

Sponsor: HR Director

Objective: To facilitate the leaders to design a new structure for the organisation and guide the HR team through implementation.

Solution: Developed a step by step programme for a united approach to the design of the new structure and each stage of the implementation, including the development of tools and templates for use by the client.

Our People Performance Model: Valued Work, Solid Foundations

Outcome: A well thought out programme that moved the business from siloed functions to a more cohesive and flexible structure and achieved the cost challenge. Increased the knowledge and skill of the HR team to manage a restructure that involved redundancies and consultation.


Case study 2:

Team alignment to vision and values

Client: Small Business with around 20 employees

Sponsor: Business Owner

Objective: To engage the team in creating the vision, values and approach required for the business to have ongoing success.

Solution: A series of meetings with the Business Partners to develop their thinking about the vision, values and strategy. Workshops with the team to engage them and gather their input.

Our People Performance Model: Directional Alignment, Meaningful Connections

Outcome: Feedback was that we brought “a unique style and innovative process to the engagement culminating in a unanimous buy in from the whole team for our new vision, values and goals.  It was both fun and tremendous value for money.”


Case study 3:

Engagement for a health & safety programme

Client: Medium-sized construction business with around 500 employees

Sponsor: COO

Objective: To increase awareness and change behaviours of the workforce to manage healthy and safety.

Solution: Created an engagement campaign that was cascaded through leaders to all the frontline staff. As a construction company the frontline staff were from a range of backgrounds, some with limited English. The programme focused on coaching and training the Managers and Supervisors to build Heath & Safety awareness into their day to day operations.

Our People Performance Model: Solid Foundations, Meaningful Connections

Outcome: A recognisable approach to the main health & safety messages and behaviours required on site which led to increased awareness and few incidents.


Case study 4:

Clarifying culture and values

Client: Medium-sized business with around 300 employees

Sponsor: HR Director

Objective: To understand the current culture and highlight areas for change.

Solution: A series of workshops with the leadership team, research and focus groups with employees to understand what was working and what needed changing. Leading to the creation of a new culture statement and values and an engagement plan.

Our People Performance Model: Directional Alignment, Meaningful Connections

Outcome: The creative approach to rolling out the changes was well received by employees and gained good feedback as they felt they’d been listened to.